Dish soap fins

As a snorkeler or scuba diver, snorkel fins play a very important role in underwater scuba diving or snorkeling activity, snorkel fins give the best experience when scuba diving and snorkeling. 

But the major problem divers experience is how to clean up the snorkel fins, this is something individuals new to scuba diving or snorkeling experience, even expert divers sometimes wonder what kind of soap to use to clean their snorkel fins. 

A significant amount of divers have recommended using dish soap to clean your snorkel fins. 

Now the question remains, can you use dish soap to clean your snorkel fins? 

Yes, you can use dish soap to clean your snorkel fins, but there is a way to go about it and you can not just use any kind of dish soap to clean your snorkel fins. 

In this guide, I would give you tips on how to clean your snorkel fins with dish soap and how you can get your snorkel fins to last longer. 

How To Use Dish Soap On Snorkel Fins

You can use dish soap to clean your snorkel fins, but you have to use gentle dish soap like this one.

It is however better to use specific products that are meant for cleaning some specific snorkel fins.  

Some dish soaps can affect your snorkel fins and allow the material to break down faster than it should on your fins. 

The chemicals in some of these soaps affect the material in your fins that causes them to break down faster than they should which reduces their life span. 

So even though you can use gentle dish soap to clean your snorkel fins, it is advisable to get a mild dish soap that is specifically made for cleaning snorkel gear.


How To Take Care Of Your Snorkel Fins

Taking care of your snorkel fins is not a hard thing to do, they are fairly easy to take care of and maintain. 

After every dive, you should rinse your snorkel fins in fresh water and store them in a cool and dry environment.

If you are the type who goes snorkeling or scuba diving once in a long while and you need to store your fins for a long period best to use a silicon-based lubricant to coat the fins lightly.

This helps to prevent the fins from completely drying out and becoming brittle.


Cleaning Your Snorkel Fins

It is rather easy to clean your snorkel fins, all you need to do is go about it in this order.

You need to get a bucket filled up with fresh water, then add in a significant amount of mild dish soap not too much to prevent excessive foaming, but not too little so the soap would be effective. 

Dip the fins into the bucket and leave them there for 10 minutes, this would break out any kind of debris which may have been glued to the fins when you were diving. 

Always rinse the fins properly after taking them out of the bucket, this is to remove the residue of the mild soap that could have gotten into the fins which could lead to skin problems later on. 

Then keep the fins in a place where there is no direct sunlight and allow them to dry properly before storing them away.

What Is The Life Span Of Snorkel Fins?

If you take good care of your snorkel fins they can last a very long time about a decade, but this is only when you take good care of them. 

Also, take note that the life span is also affected by how much you make use of your snorkel fins.

A snorkeler who uses his/her fins every two days and takes good care of them would have a shorter life span compared to a snorkeler who uses his/her fins once eek and also takes good care of them.

It is all about how frequently you use your fins and how well you take care of them, remember to always rinse them in fresh water and store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight after every dive and I can guarantee it would last long.

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