Can A Wetsuit Be Too Warm?

Wetsuits are made from foamed neoprene and are worn to provide thermal protection while in water.

The main purpose of a wetsuit is to insulate the body to retain body heat, this helps to prevent hypothermia while in water.

Wetsuits also provide protection against harmful UV rays, and harmful marine life like jellyfish corals, and so on. 

They come in different thickness: 3/2mm, 4/3mm, 5/4mn, 6mm, and 7mm, and for the different seasons in a year, that is summer, spring, winter, and fall.

Being in open water for a specific period the body would start to lose body heat even in summer, so even then having a wetsuit is essential to retaining body heat.

However, some people have asked the question if a wetsuit can be too warm, the answer to this is not that simple as there are a few reasons why it might happen. 

Let’s take a look at the answer to the question.

Can A Wetsuit Be Too Warm?

The answer to this question is yes; a wetsuit can be too warm. 

But as I mentioned earlier there are a few factors as to why a wetsuit can be too warm:

1. The thickness of the wetsuit

The common reason why a wetsuit can be too warm is wearing the wrong wetsuit thickness at the wrong season of the year.

Wearing a 5/4mm wetsuit in summer would leave you dehydrated, and fatigued, your head might begin to hurt and it might even seem like you are about to pass out.

The type of temperature during summer requires you to wear a 2mm or 3/2mm wetsuit at least if you need to wear a wetsuit at all.

Read: The Best Wetsuit Thickness For Costa Rica

Other factors that can cause a wetsuit to be too warm are the water temperature the air temperature and the body's natural temperature.

2. Water temperature

There is a certain level that the water temperature can fall to that you would not need a wetsuit or at least not a thick one to stay warm.

If the water temperature is warm and you put on a wetsuit that is too thick for that water temperature it would result in the wetsuit being too warm.

So, having a wetsuit on when the water is too warm would make you uncomfortable, dehydrated, and unable to enjoy the water activity you have embarked on.

It is essential to choose the right wetsuit thickness for the water temperature and also for the weather condition to get the right warmth in water.

You would not want to be too warm or too cold so you can stay safe and enjoy your water activity.

3. Air temperature

The air temperature during summer is usually warm and this can result in you feeling like the wetsuit is too warm. 

If you are wearing a 4/3mm or 5mm wetsuit when the air temperature is warm it would result in an increased warmth that can affect your ability as a swimmer.

Wearing a wetsuit when the air temperature is considerably warm can leave you dehydrated and fatigued.

If the air is warm enough you would not need a wetsuit to stay warm or at the most, if you need a wetsuit a less thick wetsuit-like that of 2mm would suffice.

4. Body temperature

The boy temperatures for people are different in some cases a person’s body can naturally insulate their body to retain body heat better than others.

If the body of an individual produces too much body heat while wearing a wetsuit suitable for a certain weather temperature it might result in the individual feeling like the wetsuit is too warm.

You have to be aware of how your body temperature works so you can get the right wetsuit thickness.

Coupled with the weather temperature at the time depending on the season of the year, all to avoid getting too warm while in water.


A wetsuit can indeed be too warm.

This can happen for some people if they have chosen the wrong wetsuit thickness.

Also, depending on the weather temperature, air temperature, and their natural body temperature.

All this could result in hydration, fatigue, feeling light-headed and almost passing out.