Crabs Smell Like Ammonia What Should You Do?

Catching the smell of ammonia after cooking crab can be very confusing when it happens the first time, it can also be really concerning when you think about it.

Because crabs are supposed to smell fresh and briny, not smell like cleaning chemicals, if you have ever opened a batch of crab and noticed the strong ammonia smell.

You would probably be wondering what went wrong, and then the important part, if it is still safe to eat. 

This is something that anyone who cooks and eats crabs a lot would have experienced at one point or the other.

In this post I will explain to you what causes the ammonia odor, and how to handle it. 

So let’s break down what you should do if your crab smells off.

Crabs Smell Like Ammonia: What Should You Do?

Now let’s go into what’s happening when your crab smells like ammonia and what exactly you should do next.

Why Does Crab Smell Like Ammonia?

That ammonia smell is usually a sign that the crab is much older that it might look. 

I have learned that when crab starts to decompose, it releases a chemical that gives off that strong ammonia smell.

It can happen if the crab wasn’t stored properly or if it’s been sitting around for too long before you cooked it. 

Fresh crab should smell like the ocean, clean and fresh. 

If you notice anything else, that’s a red flag.

Is It Safe to Eat?

In most cases, if your crab smells like ammonia, it’s best to avoid eating it. 

At one point I wanted to still cook it anyway, but it’s not worth the risk. 

The smell shows that the crab has started to break down, and eating it could lead to food poisoning or an upset stomach. 

It has been made a rule to trust my nose, if something smells off, I don’t eat it.

What Should You Do?

If you have already cooked the crab and you smell ammonia, I’d recommend throwing it out

It’s not worth chancing it, especially if you are not sure about how it was stored. 

In the future, you can prevent this by buying crabs from a trusted fishmonger or store. I always ask about the catch date to make sure the crab is as fresh as possible. 

If you are buying frozen crab, check the packaging for any signs of freezer burn or damage.

How to Avoid Ammonia Smell in the Future

After dealing with this a couple of times, I picked up a few tips to avoid it happening again. 

First, I always buy live crab when I can. 

That way, I know it’s fresh, and I cook it the same day. 

If that’s not possible, I go for crab that’s been recently frozen. 

And once I get it home, I make sure to keep it in the fridge and cook it as soon as possible. 

Proper storage is important to preventing that unpleasant ammonia smell.

Always Trust Your Senses 

One thing I have learned is to trust my senses, it took me a while but it’s part of me now. 

So if the crab smells fine and looks fresh, it’s likely safe to eat. 

But if something seems off, whether it’s a weird odor, a change in texture, or change in color, it’s better to be cautious. 

I have found that when it comes to seafood, it’s better to be on the safe side always.

What If You’ve Already Eaten It?

It can happen that you have eaten the crab and then only later you realize it smelled a bit like ammonia while eating it, don’t worry or panic. 

This has happen once to me, and I was lucky to feel fine afterward, but if you experience any symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, or stomach cramps, it’s a good idea to seek medical help. 

Your body will usually tell you if something’s not right.

When to Let It Go

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things go wrong. 

Personally, I have had a few crabs that smelled off even though I followed all the steps. 

When that happens, it’s okay to let it go. 

Getting fresh, safe seafood should always be the goal. 

If you are not sure about the crab’s quality, it’s better to throw it out than to take the risk of eating it.

Products To Help You Avoid The Ammonia Smell And Ensure Fresh & Eatable Crabs

Here are two products that can help you avoid the ammonia smell and they also help you make sure the crabs are fresh and eatable once prepared.

1. Taylor Precision Products Waterproof Digital Thermometer

One of the best tools I use is the Taylor Precision Waterproof Digital Thermometer (Affiliate link). 

It’s perfect for checking the internal temperature of crabs while cooking. 

Properly cooked crab meat should reach about 145°F. 

If you’re unsure whether the crab has been fully cooked, this thermometer gives you peace of mind. 

I used to go by what I see, but after a few bad batches, I realized how useful it is to have an exact temperature reading of the crabs while cooking.

2. FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer Machine

Another tool I find really helpful is the FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer Machine

If you are buying crab in bulk or storing it for later, this can help keep it fresh longer. 

I started using a vacuum sealer for seafood a while back, and it’s been so great.

By sealing crab tightly and freezing it, I have managed to avoid that awful ammonia smell because it locks in the freshness and keeps out excess air. 

It’s a bit expensive, but for someone like me who loves seafood, it’s been worth every penny.


Dealing with crabs that smell like ammonia is all about trusting your senses and using the right tools to ensure freshness. 

If something smells off, it’s better to play it safe and throw it out.

Fresh crab should be a treat, not something you worry about. 

By keeping your seafood properly stored and using tools like a digital thermometer or a vacuum sealer, you can avoid the issue and enjoy your crabs without any surprises.

I have had my fair share of learning moments, but with a little attention to detail, you can make sure your next crab meal is fresh, delicious, and safe. 

Trust your senses, go for high-quality products, and you’ll be just fine.

Additional Reading:

What Is The Best Bait To Use For Crabbing?