Can Hermit Crabs Eat Bread?

When you start taking care of hermit crabs, there are a couple of things you need to be aware of, and one of the most important things is what they eat, so what kind of diet works for hermit crabs?

The common food they love to eat are fruits and vegetables, this is one of the first things you’ll learn about taking care of hermit crabs.

However, are they able to eat bread?, this is a question I also wondered about when I started taking care of them.

Bread is a common food in our kitchens, so it is easy to think it could make an easy snack for our  little crustacean friends. 

In this post I will show you if bread is a safe choice for your hermit crabs and what you need to know before giving them a slice.

Can Hermit Crabs Eat Bread?

When I first got my hermit crabs, I wanted to make sure they were well-fed and happy. 

I remember looking at the food I had at home, wondering if any of it was safe for them. 

Bread seemed like a simple choice, but I had to know, can hermit crabs eat bread?

It turns out, bread isn’t exactly harmful to hermit crabs, but it’s not the best food for them either. 

Let’s go through the details, so you know what to expect if you decide to share a bit of your loaf with your shelled buddies.

1. Limited Nutritional Value

Bread doesn’t offer much in the way of nutrition for hermit crabs. 

These little guys need a diet filled with calcium, protein, and other nutrients to live and survive, and bread simply doesn’t have what they need.

I found out pretty quickly that while a small piece of bread might be fine now and then, it shouldn’t be a regular part of their meals. 

You’ll want to focus more on foods that contribute to their health, like leafy greens, fruits, and sources of protein like dried shrimp.

2. Risk of Mold

One thing that caught me off guard was how quickly bread can mold in a hermit crab’s tank. 

Their environment is warm and humid, which is perfect for mold to grow. 

Mold is dangerous for hermit crabs, and if you are like me, you definitely don’t want to risk their health. 

If you do give them a bit of bread, keep an eye on it, and make sure to remove any leftovers right away before the bread has a chance to get moldy.

3. Additives and Preservatives

Another thing I learned is that most bread you buy in stores has preservatives, salt, and other ingredients that aren’t great for hermit crabs. 

These ingredients can be harmful, so if you are giving them bread, make sure it’s plain and as minimally processed as possible. 

No butter, no salt, no sugar, just a simple piece of bread. 

Even then, I only offer it once in a while, and I make sure it’s a very small piece.

Recommended Products To Take Care Of Hermit Crabs

If you are like me, you want to make sure your hermit crabs get the best care possible. 

I have found a few products that have really helped me provide a balanced diet and a clean environment for my crabs. 

Here are four items that will make caring for your hermit crabs a bit easier.

1. Fluker's Premium Calcium Supplement

Hermit crabs need plenty of calcium to keep their shells healthy and strong. 

I use “Fluker's Premium Calcium Supplement” to sprinkle over their food a couple of times a week. 

It’s an easy way to make sure they are getting enough calcium without adding too much calcium to their diet.

2. Zoo Med Hermit Crab Fruit Mix

When I started feeding my crabs a more varied diet, I wanted something easy that they would love. 

The “Zoo Med Hermit Crab Fruit Mix” has been perfect for that. 

It’s packed with dried fruits that provide natural sugars and nutrients, and my hermit crabs seem to love it. 

It’s a lot healthier than giving them a bit of bread, and it’s specifically made for their needs.

3. TetraFauna Hermit Crab Meal

For a go to food that covers a lot of the basics, I like using “TetraFauna Hermit Crab Meal”. 

It has a good mix of proteins and vitamins that are important for their growth. 

I still supplement with fresh veggies and fruits, but this product makes it easier to know they are getting the essential things they need in their diet.

4. Kaytee Walnut Bedding

Since bread can get moldy quickly, keeping the tank clean is important. 

I use “Kaytee Walnut Bedding” to line the bottom of the tank, and it works beautifully well.

It’s easy to clean and replace, and it keeps the environment dry enough to avoid mold. 

Plus, my hermit crabs love digging into it, which helps keep them active and happy.


Caring for hermit crabs means paying attention to their unique needs, especially when it comes to their diet. 

While bread isn’t exactly harmful in small amounts, it doesn’t give the nutrition they need and can bring some risks, like mold and harmful ingredients. 

Instead, I have found that focusing on nutrient rich foods like fruits, veggies, and calcium supplements is the best way to keep them happy and healthy.

Remember, a varied diet and a clean habitat go a long way in making sure your hermit crabs thrive. 

With the right knowledge and a few handy products, you can give your crabs the care they deserve, and enjoy watching them explore and grow for years to come.

Additional Reading: