How To Keep And Store Blue Crabs Overnight

Naturally because of the kind of creatures blue crabs are, it would seem like a tricky task to keep them alive overnight, however if is actually pretty straightforward once you know what to do.

Once you realize that all you actually need is the right setup to keep them fresh and alive until you are ready to cook it becomes easy to store and keep blue crabs alive overnight.

It isn’t complicated at all, and with just a little preparation, your crabs will stay in top shape for how ever long you need them to stay that way throughout the night, till it is time to get them in the pot.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to properly store and keep blue crabs overnight, so you don’t lose any of them, or lose their flavor or quality.

How To Keep And Store Blue Crabs Overnight

It is always good to cook blue crabs when they are still alive and fresh, so it is highly important to keep them alive and fresh even if it is overnight.

So lets check out some methods to make sure those crabs are ready for the pot when you are ready.

1. Damp Towel + Cool Place

The easiest way I have found to keep blue crabs overnight is by placing them in a large container, like a cooler or a bushel basket, and covering them with a damp towel. 

You want the towel moist but not soaking wet. 

The idea is to keep the crabs cool and moist, which recreates their natural environment. 

Then, store them in a cool, shaded spot, which should be between 50°F and 60°F. 

For me, the garage or a shaded back porch usually works fine. 

Just make sure it’s not too warm, or they’ll get stressed and die out quickly.

2. Avoid Submerging Them in Water

One mistake I made early on was thinking that blue crabs could just stay in water overnight. 

That’s a big no. 

They need air, and if you leave them submerged, they will drown. 

So, make sure they are in a dry environment with good airflow. 

I learned this the hard way after losing a batch of crabs to loss of proper airflow. 

Now, I keep them in a container with a loose lid or leave the cooler slightly open to allow air in, but not open wide enough for some of the crabs to get out.

3. Ice Packs Underneath

If it’s a warm night, I’ll add ice packs or a couple of ice underneath the crabs. 

I usually put a plastic sheet or a thick cloth between the ice and the crabs so they don’t get too cold. 

Crabs are hardy, but if they get too cold, they will die. 

Keeping the temperature just right is very important. 

For me, a few ice packs always does the trick without freezing the crabs.

4. Check on Them

One thing I always do is check on my crabs before bed. 

Just a quick peek to make sure they are still moving and that the towel hasn’t dried out or something else might have come up.

If you notice any dead ones, go ahead and remove them. 

You don’t want to leave any dead crabs with the live ones overnight. 

It can affect the rest, and reduce the flavor and freshness of the ones which are still alive.

5. Cook Within 24 Hours

While these methods will keep your blue crabs alive overnight, I don’t recommend storing them any longer than that. 

Crabs lose their freshness quickly, and after 24 hours, they start to reduce in quality. 

Personally, I like to cook them the next day to make sure they taste as fresh as possible. 

So the earlier the better, cooking them anything after 24 hours is not a good a good idea.

Recommend Products For Storing Blue Crabs Overnight

Here are a few products I have used to make storing blue crabs overnight even easier. 

You can grab all of these online, and they are definitely worth having if you plan on keeping crabs for a while.

1. Coleman Cooler + Drain Plug

I have found that using a good cooler like the Coleman Cooler is perfect for holding crabs overnight. 

It’s big enough to fit a decent number of crabs, and the insulation helps maintain a cool, stable temperature. 

Plus, the drain plug makes it easy to get rid of any excess water without disturbing the crabs. 

You can keep the lid slightly open for airflow, so the crabs can stay happy and fresh.

2. Reusable Ice Packs (Fit + Fresh Cool Coolers)

Instead of dealing with melting ice, I like to use Fit + Fresh Cool Coolers Reusable Ice Packs

These stay cold for hours and keep the crabs at the right temperature without making things too wet.

Just put them under a towel or some plastic in the cooler, and they will do the job all night. 

The best part is that you don’t have to worry about water coming out at the bottom of your cooler.

3. Genuine Joe Cotton Bar Towels

You’ll want to have some reliable, water absorbing towels to keep the crabs moist but not soaked. 

I use Genuine Joe Cotton Bar Towels because they are durable and hold just the right amount of wetness needed.

I have been using them for a while, and they hold up well. 

Get one wet enough for them, and lay it over the crabs, and you are all set. 

These towels are easy to clean and reuse, so you will always have them ready to go.

With these products, keeping your blue crabs overnight becomes a lot simpler. 

They take the hassle out of making sure your crabs stay fresh and ready for cooking.


Storing blue crabs overnight doesn’t have to be a difficult task. 

With just a few simple steps, keeping them cool, giving them some air, and checking on them, you can make sure your crabs stay fresh and ready for the pot the next day. 

Personally, these methods have worked for me severally, and with the right setup, you’ll have no problem keeping them alive overnight. 

Whether you are using a cooler, some ice packs, or a damp towel, a little preparation goes a long way in keeping the quality and flavor of your crabs. 

Now, all that’s left is to enjoy that fresh and delicious seafood!

Additional Reading: