
About sohotamess

Welcome to Sohotamess!

Sohotamess is a blog where you will find the topics related to scuba diving, snorkeling, freediving, and more!

Sohotamess.com will help you discover the way to leaving a soft life while enjoying what you do.

What is a soft life? This is a street slang for ‘an easy life’.

Founded in 2019, Sohotamess aims to become one of the leading outdoor blog of the present day, where you may turn to for guides and tips, and in time grow to become a trusted reference.

But who am I?

My name is Nessa (n-EH-s-uh).

I started my blogging career in 2017 because I was a new kid in a new city dealing with a lot.

From the day i discovered ‘blogging” I have been obsessed with trying to create perfect content.

Initiallly, I niched down to dating, technology and Health and Fitness, my multiple passions and journey to self-discovery led me to embrace everything that excited me.

Currently, I’m an occasional tech girl and blogger – Influencing lives, guiding you to achieving a ‘Soft Life’.

I have grown so much as a person since I started my first blog with blogspot.

It wasn’t easy, I made mistakes, and worked really hard along the way to get here.

Now, my goal is to teach as much as I can from my experiences.

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